What Should You Do If You're Ghosted After Your First Date?

There is no greater damage to one's self-esteem than getting ghosted after the first date. It happens to the best of us, but just because it's common doesn't make it any less sad. It's not fun to have what you thought was a fantastic first date just to be left waiting for a message or phone call that never arrives. When someone cuts off all connection without explanation, it may be surprising, and it's difficult to know how to answer or even whether you want to put out the effort to respond. It's entirely up to you and what you're comfortable with, but here are some things to consider when someone hasn't bothered to reach out to you.

1. Recognize it

Acceptance is essential, even if the situation is painful and upsetting. While you may want to lash out or change the situation right away, don't attempt to resist it or track them down. Try to look at it positively - in some ways, you should be relieved that someone like that has left your life.

2. Concentrate on progress

When you've been ignored or left on read, it's easy to go crazy and keep communicating until you receive a response. However, it is critical to understand that in the long term, the best thing for you to do is let it go and go on. If they can't offer you the respect and decency of a simple response, even if it's to say they're not interested, they don't deserve your attempt to reach out to them. Instead than focusing on the "why," analyze why they didn't contact you and if you want to be treated this way in the future.

3.Remove and block

Mute or unfollow them on social media to get them off your mind and prevent you from reaching out when you shouldn't. Delete their number if necessary, and focus your efforts on activities that offer you joy rather than anxiety and bad energy. Talking to your support network, writing, or focusing on hobbies are all examples of this.

4. If you wish, call out your ghoster

Before you press the block or delete button, keep in mind that although holding people accountable for their comments is important, it may not provide you with the closure or emotional pleasure you're looking for. There are no regulations in this circumstance; therefore, don't expect an explanation or apology. Express yourself and utilize "I Feel" phrases rather than "You" comments to avoid seeming accusing. Only send this message if they have disregarded your follow- up.

5. Don't be too hard on yourself

You are not to blame for their bad communication skills or lack of regard for how they treat other people. It's quite fine to allow yourself to feel rejected and wounded, but keep in mind that this is about them, not you. Ghosting happens, and it's not your fault; you were simply unlucky enough to meet someone who does it.

6. Concentrate on other tasks

This is an excellent time to start a new pastime. Activities or getting together with friends will assist distract you from this unpleasant situation and help you move on faster. Fortunately, this person revealed their real colors on the first date , preventing them from progressing to relationship status. You may also utilize this opportunity to enhance yourself, whether by working out or taking on a new appearance.

7. Make no excuses for them

Make no excuses for those who refuse to explain or accept responsibility for their conduct. In actuality, we have no idea what individuals are thinking when they make these judgments, and no amount of rationalization will help you find out . Making excuses for someone else is a form of self-deception; instead, embrace the facts and don't give this individual any more mental space.

8. Increase your self-care efforts

This can help you get to the moving on stage faster. If you can afford it, treat yourself to a day at the spa, or plan a simple massage or mani/pedi. Get your favorite treatment, indulge on your favorite dessert, and remember not to isolate yourself during this self-care time unless you truly want to spend time alone. Instead, contact your mother or closest friend!

9. Increase your resilience

The first thing you should understand about ghosting is that you should not take it personally. While we hope this would not happen again, it has occurred before, so you have some resilience and inner fortitude. This results from prioritizing your emotional and physical wellness as well as compassion for yourself. Keep in mind that it is not you, but them. However, if you begin to see patterns and are frequently ghosted, it may be time for some self-reflection or to assess whether you are consistently choosing the incorrect sort of possible companions.