7 Things You Should Never Do When Flirting With A Guy

If you are not a natural flirter, learning the art of flirting will take some time. It might be difficult to know what to say or how to make a good first impression, especially when attempting to flirt with a male. Whether it's a hidden crush or someone you've already made it known you like, you want to be sure you're taking the appropriate approach while dealing with him. Although there is no exact science to flirting, knowing a few suggestions might help you get started. Consider these seven things to avoid while flirting with a guy.

Make no mockery of him

Some people find it amusing to make fun of others. Bullying is also used as a kind of flirtation by some, effectively making the other person feel horrible about themselves. Isn't it strange? This is a bad strategy since leading with respect and compassion will certainly go you far further than "negging" someone.

Don't boast about other individuals who like you

From the standpoint of reverse psychology, this technique may appear to be a smart idea. But no one wants to hear about other individuals who like you or may be interested in you. It may make them envious or draw attention to you, but it is directing the interaction by playing mind games. Not a promising start.

Don't become too emotional too soon

If you're flirting with a guy, put the physical touch on the back burner for now. This is especially true if you're out and about. Physical flirting might signal to a guy that you are ready to be physically right away. So , unless that is your purpose, you might want to avoid doing so in the initial contact.

Don't avoid making eye contact

The eyes are the window to the soul, which is especially true when it comes to flirting. When you're conversing with him, look him in the eyes. This will demonstrate to him that you are interested and not frightened to communicate with him. Making good eye contact may even allow you to read a little more about him.

Don't text him while you're inebriated

A lot of logic goes out the window when you're under the influence. Texting a guy you like while drunk might lead to a lot of regret the next morning. If you go on a texting binge after a few drinks, there's no knowing how many times you'll stick your foot in your mouth.

Don't be a phony

One of the most important laws of flirting is to be yourself. We all want to be liked and accepted, therefore it's normal for some people to start replicating features or changing who they are depending on what they believe their love would enjoy. But you don 't want to walk into a scenario pretending to be someone you're not. This would just set you up for failure later, as you will have to maintain the illusion as you continue to get to know him. Lead with your true self, which is perfect and lovely. They will and admire you for all of your unique and lovely complexities if they are destined for you.

Show him consideration and respect

If your flirtation has progressed to the point where a dialogue is developing, make careful to respect his time and listen to him. Being attentive may go a long way, as being in the presence of a good listener is increasingly becoming rare these days.